Angle converter

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Info: For big numbers, e-notation can be used.

Angle converter

About this converter

This angle converter masters all common angle units. In addition to the common units of degree (°) and radians (radian, rad), the measure of time (minutes and ‘seconds’, Tertie ‴), the geodetic angle Gon (obsolete: Neugrad), the hour (h), and artillery lines mil (A ‰) and nautical lines (¯) as well as the angle in percent (%) or per thousand (‰) of a full angle.

angle minutes, seconds and the tertie

Angular minutes’, angular seconds “and tertians ‴ are not to be confused with the times of the time measure (see hour measure). They correspond to the 60th, 3600th and 216000th part of a degree, and are therefore suitable for very precise information in combination with degrees In degrees, the units correspond to the following values:

Unit Degree °
Angular minutes’ 0.01666666
Angular seconds ” 0.00027777
Tertien ‴ 0.00000462

percent and per thousand

The specification in percent (%) or per thousand (‰) of a full angle is also permissible, even if it is not SI-compliant. The percentages of 360 ° are used. In degrees, percent and per mille correspond to:

Unit Degree °
Percent% 3.6
Per thousand ‰ 0.36

Nautical lines and artillery lines

The units artillery lines mil (A ‰) and nautical lines (¯) are used primarily in the military and in the maritime sector. The nautical line corresponds to the 32nd part of a full angle, the artillery line corresponds to the 6400th part of a full angle. In percent, these are:

Unit Degree °
Nautical line ¯ 11.25
Artillery line mil (A ‰) 0.05625

degrees and radians (radians)

In degrees ° a full angle (a circle) corresponds to 360 units, i.e. 360 °. The degree is the most commonly used measure for angles, closely followed by radians (also called radians). In radians, a full angle (a circle) corresponds to 2 pi. In many calculations in physics and mathematics, radians are the most appropriate angle. One degree corresponds to about 0.017453 rad. Conversely, a radian corresponds to approximately 57,296 °.

Other angles

The other angular dimensions that can be converted with this converter are the gon (obsolete: grading), the full angle and the hour dimension. The gon (gon) corresponds to the 400th part of a full angle (circle) and thus 0.9 degrees. The gon has only established itself in surveying. The full angle simply describes an entire circle, i.e. 360 ° (degrees). 0.5 full angles are therefore 180 °. The hour measure (not to be confused with the angle hour) divides the full angle into 24 parts. So an hour measure corresponds to 360 degrees divided by 24 equal to 15 degrees.


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